Just A Little While

Adventures of a wife and mother

MSG: The Hidden Danger in Your Childrens Food

So how do you avoid MSG in your childs diet? The obvious ones, Accent, Goya Sazon, Vetsin, and Marmite, are all primarily MSG, and theyre easy to avoid. The rest take some work. If you see any of these words on something youre about to buy for your child, put down the package and back away slowly:

hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, plant protein extract sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate yeast extract, textured protein including TVP, autolyzed or hydrolyzed yeast, yeast food hydrolyzed oat flour bouillon gelatin gummy bears, anyone? malt extract, malt flavoring, malted barley broth, stock flavoring, natural flavors, natural flavoring of any kind seasoning, spices carrageenan enzymes, dough conditioners soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, whey protein concentrate

And remember, if youre purchasing any prepared food with a powder packet, it contains MSG. If youre purchasing any prepared food with a sauce, it almost certainly contains MSG. If youre buying a prepared soup, it almost certainly has MSG-even if it comes from the health food store. In fact, a great number of products that proclaim theyre “natural” or “organic” contain MSG.

Your best defense is knowledge. Know the names under which MSG hides, carry a list with you when you shop, and beware

via MSG: The Hidden Danger in Your Childrens Food.

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